Fabio Rinaldi
Table of Contents
- July 14, 2020: invited panelist at the text mining COSI at ISMB 2020 https://www.iscb.org/cms_addon/conferences/ismb2020/tracks/textminingcosi
- July 4, 2020: invited panelist at the First Multilingual clinical NLP workshop: MUCLIN (MIE2020/EFMI), check the video.
- June 10, 2020: invited panelist at the annual meeting of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (session on scientific responses to COVID19), check the video.
- May 2020: 7 (!!!) presentations from my group(s) accepted at
- Joseph Cornelius, Tilia Ellendorff, Nico Colic, Lenz Furrer, Albert Weichselbraun, Raul Rodriguez-Esteban, Philipp Kuntschik, Mathias Leddin, Juergen Gottowik and Fabio Rinaldi MedMon: multilingual social media mining for disease monitoring
- Anastassia Shaitarova, Lenz Furrer and Fabio Rinaldi (scientific track) Cross-lingual transfer learning approach to negation scope resolution
- Fabio Rinaldi, Anne Goehring, Corinne Gurtner, John Berezowski, Michele Bodmer, Irene Zuehlke and Celine Faverjon Text Mining Technologies for Animal Health Surveillance
- Dina Wieman, Khan Ozol, Natalia Korchagina, Claudio Bonesana, Anastassia Shaitarova and Fabio Rinaldi Named entity recognition for job description mining
- Daniele Puccinelli, Sandra Mitrovic, Denis Broggini, Giancarlo Corti, Luca Chiarabini, Riccardo Mazza, Fabio Rinaldi and Andrea Laus Enabling conversational-based leadership training through advanced natural language understanding
- Sandra Mitrović, Vani Kanjirangat, Denis Broggini, Lorenzo Cimasoni, Marco Alberti, Alessandro Antonucci and Fabio Rinaldi A conversational recommender system based on neural NLP models
- Vani Kanjirangat and Fabio Rinaldi Biomedical relation extraction with state-of-the-art neural models
- April 2020: I am working with my ex group in Zurich on text mining applications for COVID 19!
- February 2020: Watch my presentation at BLAH 6
- June 2019: Watch my presentation at SwissText 2019
E-Mail: fabio AT idsia.ch Tel: +41 (0)58 666 67 14 Fax: +41 (0)58 666 66 61 Postal address: Dr. Fabio Rinaldi Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (IDSIA) Galleria 2, Via Cantonale 2c CH-6928 Manno (Lugano, Switzerland) My previous affiliation (until the end of 2019): Institute of Computational Linguistics. University of Zurich Tel.: +41 44 635 7132 Fax: +41 44 635 6809 fabio.rinaldi AT uzh.ch
How to find me
Notice that while the postal address indicates "Galleria 2", my office is at "Galleria 1".
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (IDSIA) Galleria 1, Via Cantonale CH-6928 Manno (Lugano, Switzerland)